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Engine Service EDGE - CEP
Price inclusive of: - Castrol Edge/Magnatec Engine Oil - OEM Oil Filter - Drain Plug Washer - Labour + 8% SST
*Free Quick Wash (external wash) only if available
Aircond Service
Price inclusive of: - Recycle AC Gas (Labour & Machine) + 8% SST - AC Compressor Oil - Air Clean Air Conditioning (255g)
Brake Fluid Flushing Service
Price inclusive of: - Mannol Brake Fluid (Dot4) - Labour (Flushing) + 8% SST
SCRUT Preventive Inspection (SPI)
Price inclusive of: - 50-point check inspection at specific and standard points on a car to make sure the car is fit to be on the road. - Labour + 8% SST
SCRUT Road Chassis Simulator Inspection (SRCSI)
Price inclusive of Labour + 8% SST
To use any of this package, customer must purchase and pay online via our website. There is no expiration on the package. Please make sure to book your service appointment 3 days before.